Sunday, November 1, 2009

Some crude conversions and a GUO

So here's my (now discontinued) Greater Plague Daemon, Coprophagus, who will be leading my army of daemons. And also my first sad attempts at some green stuff conversions, for my Fiends of Slaanesh.

I admittedly borrowed the conversion ideas from someone else, but it fit my purpose as the Games Workshop fiends are both overpriced and (imo) ugly models. And this way, I can either use them as fiends, or later as Seekers of Slaanesh if the new plastic models for them don't get released early enough next year for me to use.

I really need to get to some painting soon...I had started to prime yesterday, when the can started to sputter and splatter. So a quick trip to Aero this morning, and I'll be continuing priming.