Here's the latest batch of models...seven Nurgle plaguebearers, which are a troops choice, and a Soulgrinder, which is a heavy support choice. The new Soulgrinders are one of the models that really helped to convince me to create a Daemons army...they are created by a fusing of daemon and metal in the Forge of Souls. Well, at least in the fluff. By me, they're created with an x-acto knife, a bottle of plastic glue and a model kit.
Sorry you can't see the details on the plaguebearers very distinctly...shiny metal doesn't photograph well. But eventually when they're primed and painted, you'll be able to see what each of these nasty little beasties looks like. In the meanwhile, I've included a piece of Warhammer artwork of them so you can see what they are supposed to look like.
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